An Intrinsic Love for The Craft

On Nature and Farming


Cariaga Natural Farming uses innovative natural farming techniques contrary to conventional farming methodologies. The Founder and CEO of the Cariaga Natural Farming, Retzer Cariaga, has two passions – his love for nature as a photographer, backpacker, cyclist, and his passion for lifestyle medicine. It is incredible how much deterioration is seen in our environment, with hectares of rainforests converted into farmlands using conventional farming methods. As a result, we are losing the land’s biodiversity and polluting our waterways as farm chemicals flush into our rivers. We are generating farm produce that may look attractive to the eye but is coated with harmful chemicals, consequently causing diseases in humans. Therefore, Cariaga Natural Farming addresses the problems using farming methodologies learned from nature and the latest soil science.
Take a look at our rainforests. Why doesn’t it need plowing and watering? And yet it produces thousands of species of plants, animals, and beneficial microorganisms? We are currently destroying our last rainforest frontiers. Suppose we could only learn how to support plant life, prevent weeds and plant diseases without any unnatural intervention, and apply those philosophies to farming. In that case, we can develop sustainable natural farming techniques.
Natural farming techniques use 95% less water because it increases the soil water holding capacity. Whereas open field conventional farming techniques depend on different seasons to start planting, natural farming will allow planting to happen any time of the year because of the soil’s increased water hold capacity. Besides, conventional tilled farming causes compaction of the dirt, causing runoff of water into the waterways during rainy days, carrying those unnatural farm chemicals to our river systems, hence destroying the natural ecosystem.
The Cariaga Natural Farming vision is to become a model for other farmers to generate farm produce best for health using nature’s way.
To know our natural farming methodologies, please follow us on our journey to building the natural farms in Baranggay Sallab, Magpet, North Cotabato. More blogs will be coming up in the next few months.

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Fine Art Photography

One Artistic Eye Deserves Another

Over the years, I’ve developed a good feel for creating exceptional images of your fine art projects. Whether you need new slides for an art show application, shots of you in action for your studio’s website or just want to capture your beautiful art collection, I can get the photos you need with the spirit you’re looking for without compromising your artistic vision.

We’ve worked with dozens of artists and fine art collectors over the years to document their artwork. No matter the reason why, I can provide you with documentation that not only documents your artwork, but captures its inner soul.

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Capturing Special Events

Your Biggest Moments Captured, Without Interruption

Let’s face it – a special event is something we look back on for years to come, remembering the good times we’ve had and the wonderful people we’ve shared our lives with. Capturing that event is just as important as any other detail you need to work out. My photography will help you capture the magic of the moment, whether it’s a graduation, wedding, anniversary, baptism or similar special moment in your life.

Because I’ve worked with so many clients in so many different environments, you’ll barely notice I’m there – the occasional touch to fix a hem or request to turn slightly is all you’ll notice. This is just one way I capture the magic.